Newsletter 93 - End of Term 5 Newsletter

End of Term 5

Term 5 started with a great Work Experience week for Year 10 and I was delighted to have lots of emails from employers saying how diligent our students were. It has also seen the start of the formal examination period and I am grateful for the support the Academy is providing to Year 11 and 13 students. Year 11 are half way through their exams and they now have a week to continue revising and also recharge their energy levels for the final two weeks in Term 6.

At last, some nicer weather has arrived and it is great to see so many students enjoying outside activities, including the outdoor table tennis tables which are in full use. All students are welcome to use them, they just need to collect the bats from Mr Jones at the start of lunchtime or bring their own.

Term 6 is always an exciting term and alongside great learning it is packed with activities such as transition day for Year 6, taster days for Year 5, activities week and many celebrations. A particular highlight will be our Art & Photography exhibition on the 16th July at 5:00pm before our Prize Giving Evening. Please do keep this evening free as we would love to see as many parents as possible come to the Art Exhibition. If your son or daughter are nominees for Prize Giving a separate invitation will come to you the week before.

As we head towards the Summer holiday, if you are purchasing new uniform and the old uniform is still wearable then do consider donating it to school and we will provide it to a student who needs it. With that in mind, SkoolKit have a pop up shop in school selling uniform on Thursday, 22nd August, 10:00am – 2:00pm.

We do not often say farewell to staff at the end of Term 5, but today we said goodbye to Mr Bate who has been part of the English team for five years. We wish him well as he moves to Ireland for the most exciting of times – he’s soon to become a parent to twins!

We also said goodbye to Mel our Bridge Chaplain who has been with us for seven years. She has been instrumental in the success of our Check It Out week and has worked with many students both 1:1 and in small groups. She will remain a firm friend of the Academy and I have no doubt that we will still see her. Our new Bridge Chaplain, Rachel, joins us after half term.

We also have some Sarum baby news as Miss Durk and Mr Hindle welcomed their baby ‘Max’ into the world last weekend. Mum and baby are doing well and we look forward to meeting Max soon.

I hope that you have plans to enjoy some family time over half term. There will be revision sessions in school which Year 11 and 13 can attend and many thanks to the staff giving up their time to do these.

Have a lovely half term.

Mrs Moore


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