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    What does Careers Education look like at Sarum?

    Career education helps students to develop the skills that are needed to evaluate potential career paths. Our programme is designed to prepare students for life in Britain by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.

    Providing effective careers education, information, advice and guidance ensures students move to their next stage with the right tools, values and understanding to help prepare them for their future.

    What do we want to help students achieve?

    The Careers programme at Sarum Academy seeks to;

    • Prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life

    • Support Students to achieve their potential

    • Drive engagement in lessons by showing the links between their learning and fuure pathways

    • Empower students to plan and manage their own futures

    • Provide comprehensive information on all pathways available to students

    • Raise aspirations and enable students to deal and bounce back from setbacks

    • Develop confidence within our students to push themselves

    • Promote equality, diversity, social mobility, and challenge stereotypes

    • Enable students to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives

    What are the key things students will do at Sarum?

    Our Careers Journey shows the activities and opportunities that students will have here at Sarum;

    Careers Programme

    Sarum Academy Careers Leader is Mr Gareth Jones, representing the Academy Governance Committe is the Careers Link Governor George Brutton.

    Careers Education makes a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Good careers guidance widens pupils’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations.  

    A planned progressive programme of activities supports pupils in choosing pathways that suit their interests and abilities, and help them to follow a career path, and sustain employability, throughout their working lives.

    Equality and Diversity

    Careers education is provided to all pupils and provision is made to allow all pupils to access the curriculum.  Pupils are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes whatever their gender, sexuality ethnic background or religion.  All pupils are provided with the same opportunities and diversity is celebrated. 


    We welcome involvement, engagement and contact from any local employers. If you think you can provide, insight, work experience or support to our students as to their future career paths we would love to hear from you! Please reach out in the first instance to Mr Gareth Jones - Careers Lead